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Ladies of Purpose

You Are Gifted, Called, and Appointed For Now!

There's a certain perception one should get as they look upon the word, 'afterward' in the above scripture. The Hebrew word for 'afterward' is ´achar which means: after the following part, or behind. It suggests that 'after or behind' the pouring out of His Spirit, He said, ' sons and daughters will prophesy, old men will dream dreams and young men will see visions.' If you notice, this was not just for that time period. But it's for NOW! He also said in verse 29, that He would show signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth. Find out more inside...
Elder Lily JenkinsYou Are Gifted, Called, and Appointed For Now!
Written by Elder Lily Jenkins


And afterward, I will pour out my spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions...And everyone who calls on the Lord will be saved... (Joel 2:28, 32).


There's a certain perception one should get as they look upon the word, 'afterward' in the above scripture. The Hebrew word for 'afterward' is ´achar which means: after the following part, or behind. It suggests that 'after or behind' the pouring out of His Spirit, He said, ' sons and daughters will prophesy, old men will dream dreams and young men will see visions.' If you notice, this was not just for that time period. But it's for NOW! He also said in verse 29, that He would show signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth. Signs and wonders usually follow those that believe. Those that He has chosen to fulfill His work here on the earth, He will use for His glory. All you have to do is say, "Here am I Lord; send me!"

You are called, anointed, and appointed NOW to do great exploits for God. He is raising the banner over your life, and because He can trust you with the promise, you will do even greater works than He did (John 14:12). You will also be used as an example or a testimony to others that even you, who were once a wretch undone, is now saved and redeemed for the Master's use. They too can be saved. You will lead them to Christ, where others may have not, and have a specific assignment of people who you and only you can minister to. Because they will see your heart, and your message of Jesus Christ and gravitate to it, and your influence will be that of a Kingdom influence for Jesus. 'So don't fret my child, know that I've got you where I want you, and you are about to be placed in position for a time such as this. Be ready my friend.'


Selah-(Think on These Things)

  • Do you sense God pulling and calling you for a time such as this?
  • Do you know what you have been called or purposed to do?
  • Do you have a level of influence that just won't shake? How do you handle it?


Use me, oh Lord, to do mighty things in the Kingdom. Know that I'm a willing vessel, open and ready for service. No matter the audience, big or small, I want to be sent by you into an area that you have planned for me. While I get positioned and prepared for what you have in store, make sure I am totally whole to minister to others. Create in me a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within me. Take away anything that is not pleasing to you, and fill it with the fruits of the Spirit. Then I will have an anointed attitude to serve, as unto the Lord. Thank you! In Jesus' Name, Amen!





About the Author
Lily L. Jenkins is the Founder and CEO of Lily Jenkins Ministries and Vice President and Co-Founder of the Purpose Development Institute. Her role is to oversee all Certified Coaches to ensure that they are promoting the basic tenants of Purpose Development in their practices and that all satellite institutes are using training materials that include the basic tenants of the Purpose Development message. A woman with many qualifications, Mrs. Jenkins is a Certified Human Behavior Consultant, Christian Life Coach and the first female Certified Purpose Development Coach. She has over 14 years of teaching experience at all levels including the university level as a Professor. Read More Here...