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Online With Dr. Mom

Daughters Continue To Water The Father's Flock!

By Dr. Geraldine McInnis Dr. Mom
I want to encourage each daughter of faith and mother of grace to continue watering your Father's flock. Though, you may feel cast aside or placed at the end of the line, God has someone who is watching and they will come to your rescue! You do not have to fight or lose your dignity or integrity. Continue inside...

Written by Dr. Geraldine McInnis, "Dr.Mom"


"Now the priest of Midian had seven daughters: and they came and drew water, and filled the troughs to water their father's flock.  And the shepherds came and drove them away: but Moses stood up and helped them, and watered their flock."  Exodus 2:16, 17

Daughters of destiny, I celebrate your return to the fields!  Many wait in great anticipation for the fulfillment of the rich promises, purposes and plans for this upcoming New Year in God.

Some have accepted with joy another opportunity to lead, feed and keep the sheep of God as ministers of the gospel. Yet there are still lingering reminders of the challenges that accompany great calls and expanded territories.

The cherished memories and experiences are companioned with the covered scars hidden under the shepherds' garbs. Other shepherds may be in doubt about returning to their places of responsibility due to yester-year's challenges and afflictions.

There was a priest in the land of Midian who had seven daughters that were shepherdesses.  These daughters would faithfully draw water from the well; pour its contents into the troughs so the sheep would not suffer dehydration. They were faithful to their assignments as they helped their father with this task.

Even though, the daughters' father was a priest, they were not respected by a group of desert shepherds.  The Bible indicated that these shepherds shamelessly and ruthlessly drove the daughters away. Then they would take the water which the daughters had drawn and rudely use it for their pleasure and purposes.

This did not stop the daughters. It may have delayed their efforts but they remained consistent and constant until change came. One day, a man by the name of Moses witnessed the ordeal and with boldness he forced the ill-mannered shepherds to retrieve.  Then Moses supplied the deficiency by drawing the water himself for the sheep of the daughters of the priest. He was later rewarded for his efforts by the father.

I want to encourage each daughter of faith and mother of grace to continue watering your Father's flock.  Though, you may feel cast aside or placed at the end of the line, God has someone who is watching and they will come to your rescue! You do not have to fight or lose your dignity or integrity.

With every negative force there is a positive voice that will help you to fulfill your God-given assignment. Remain constant and consistent to the call and charge that is upon your life as you continue to water your Father's flock!